Tasks & Notes Pack - Notion Template

22 ratings

The essential pack to keep track of your tasks and store your notes in Notion.

If you’re looking for a simple and efficient system to manage your tasks and notes inside Notion, you’re in the right place.

Tasks Manager

List down your tasks, keep track of meetings and appointments and organize your time.


  • Buttons: Create a new task in a click of a button
  • Lists: Organize your tasks in lists. Archive the lists you don’t need anymore.
  • Due Date: Set due dates to your tasks and make sure to complete them on time.
  • Priority: Organize your tasks by priority and focus on what’s important
  • Pinned tasks: Pin the tasks you want to keep an eye on. They will appear at the top of your dashboard.
  • Filters: Visualize your tasks filtered based on criteria like the due date or priority. The template includes 15 pre-made ready-to-use filtered pages:
    • Inbox
    • Pinned
    • All Open Tasks
    • Completed
    • Overdue
    • Today
    • Tomorrow
    • Next 7 Days
    • Next 30 Days
    • Scheduled
    • Unscheduled
    • High Priority
    • Medium Priority
    • Low Priority
    • No Priority
  • Navigation: Access the different sections of the dashboard, filters and lists from a sidebar navigation. On mobile, the navigation is a the top and can be opened/closed to quickly access your content.

Notes Manager

Store all your notes and documents, write down ideas and save webpages.


  • Buttons: Create a new note in a click of a button and start typing.
  • Notebooks: Organize your notes in notebooks. Archive the notebooks you don’t need anymore.
  • Reminders: Set reminders for the notes you want to go back on a specific date.
  • Web bookmarks: With the Notion Web Clipper, save links while browsing and find all your bookmarks with their URL in one place.
  • Pinned notes: Pin the notes you want to have quick access to. They will appear at the top of your dashboard.
  • Filters: Visualize your notes filtered based on criteria like the creation date or reminder date. The template includes 7 pre-made ready-to-use filtered pages:
    • Inbox
    • Pinned
    • All Open Notes
    • Archives
    • Created Last 7 Days
    • Created Last 30 Days
    • Reminders
  • Navigation: Access the different sections of the dashboard, filters and notebooks from a sidebar navigation. On mobile, the navigation is a the top and can be opened/closed to quickly access your content.
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Tasks & Notes Pack - Notion Template

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